Thursday, October 4, 2012

How Clean or Dirty are Your Hands?

How clean are my hands? How clean are yours?
Funny thing, I always thought washing my hands or using hand sanitizer was a great rid of the germs, right? Great! Now I won't get sick! Right?! Well, I started thinking about this, and maybe I was thinking about it a little too much because I'm beginning to think it is close to impossible to keep my hands clean and germ free!
Just walking around the house, even though there are usually a limited amount of people walking around living in it or visiting, you still get germs but that's not even close to what I started thinking about. Oh no! Way past getting the common cold or flu from your spouse or kids..........
Funny, when you go walking into a store with buggies, you walk in and see hand sanitizing wipes. Sure, every Sally, Tom, Dick & Harry has used that very same buggy before you, so you get a wipe, clean off the handle and you are on your merry way thinking you got rid of those germs & its a good way to keep from getting sick or getting germs from random people, it is a really good idea to do this, right?!
Hmm...Let's think about this for a minute. What about the little baby seat, you know, the place in the buggy where you set stuff when you don't have a baby with you? The place where you put your little things, the eggs & bread so they won't get squashed, the place you use if you are only getting a few things. How many babies have sat there in a messy diaper, threw up there or sat there with that drool covered toy, stuffed animal or blanket mom can't get away from them long enough to wash? What about the kids that ride in the big part of the buggy? Maybe a mouse or a rat crawled in your buggy while no one else was using it or maybe a bird flew over it outside & took a dump in your buggy! YIKES!
Then there are all the food or clothing items you touch and put in your buggy. People touch everything! From the manufacturers, packers, stockers, people that were going to buy it but put it back and cashiers. Some of this stuff gets dropped on the floor, picked up, thrown in a buggy full of other things people dropped or decided they didn't want and without decontaminating it, goes right back on a shelf. Then you take all of this stuff you buy home, it goes in your car, in your hands and straight on your table, in your cupboards or refrigerator and do we clean off everything before we put it away or open it? Most likely, no.
How many times have you bought candy or a drink & just opened it up in the car & ate or drank it?
Have you ever sat a can of coffee on your counter top, opened it and made coffee?
Bought a singe bottle of soda or water, walked out of a store, opened it up & drank it?
What about a pack of gum?
Germs we don't even really think about but are still there, waiting for us to pick them up!
Public bathrooms.....does it make any sense to wash your hands after using the toilet? After thinking this through, I think sinks or at least little hand sanitizers should be mandatory in every stall! You touch a door to get in the bathroom, then the stall door, the stall handle and lock that a million other people have used before and after toilet use, going straight in like you did and out again, without washing their hands. touch yourself, your clothes and under clothes with these hands of yours! Then you go out & wash your hands. Huh?! Makes no sense at all to me!
Gas pumps, money, chairs in a waiting room, glasses at the eye doctor, counters in a store, counters in a restaurant, light switches, books and computers at the library and a million other combinations of random things have billions of germs on them that we don't even think about.
If I pay for dinner before or after I eat, whether I'm in a nice restaurant or a fast food place, there are all kinds of germs!
I'm not sure it matters that I washed my hands the last time I was near soap and water. A lot of hands touch the money I use and more than I want to think about it, a lot of people either touch my debit card(s) or the pens and touch pads that I use to pay with.
ATM's and gas pumps? Same thing...everyone else before I got there have put their hands all over these things and left invisible germs everywhere!
So when I really start thinking about all of this, should I really be worried about a buggy handle being wiped off with a sanitizer wipe before I go into a store when there are germs everywhere?