Sunday, September 30, 2012

Random Pet Peeves

Just Randomness!

  1. People with breath that smells like a dead animal that think they have to get in your face to talk to you. Gag!
  2. Chewing with your mouth open. I don't want to see what you're eating!
  3. Spitting when they talk. I took a shower today.
  4. People that are too serious! Seriously?
  5. People with no sense of humor. Grrrr!
  6. People that don't turn off or talk on their cell phone when they go to a movie or performance. I want to hear the movie or the kids singing, not about what you did over the weekend!
  7. The people that take their dog for a walk and let their dog poop everywhere and don't clean up the mess. I can only hope they will step in their own dogs poop tomorrow.
  8. People who sing out of tune loudly with earphones in. Someone needs to record them singing, putting it on a CD and make them listen to them self for at least an hour in their car.
  9. Women at the gym that think they need to get their hair done, makeup on and a designer outfit on to work out. What is the point? Your hair is going to fall, your makeup is going to sweat off and your $200 outfit is going to get ruined with sweat stains!
  10. Stinky socks, shoes and feet. Yuck!

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